Meet Vicky, one of our Employment Coaches

Published: 28/09/2023
Categories: News
Did you know that we support customers with the skills and confidence to not only find work or explore opportunities, but to stay in work and progress to the next level? Even when they’ve found a job, we stay in touch to help them develop further and provide more support and advice.

Vicky O’Brien, Employment Coach, tells us more about what the team do:


Why does Abri offer employment support?

Abri’s core belief of creating thriving communities means we look beyond the bricks and mortar we provide, to how we can enhance our residents’ lives in other ways. One person’s employment isn’t just about them; yes, they can pay their rent, but employment also means they’ll spend money in their local area, meaning more jobs as well as paying tax that funds so many other services that help the wider community. Having secure housing also improves peoples physical and mental health which allows them to enjoy activities away from the home with money being spent and engagement within the local community.


Tell us about the people you support.

I worked with an Abri resident who had been out of work for nearly 20 years due to care needs and his family situation. When we first met his confidence was at an all-time low and he really didn’t know what direction to go in. He had rent arrears with Abri which were a constant worry for him, and he really felt he had lost the essence of who he was.


Fast forward a year and he is now an established private hire driver with his own car and a variety of contracts providing a good income as well as the freedom to support his teenage son, who has additional needs so still needs his dad’s help. His rent arrears are history, and he enjoyed his first family holiday for nearly two decades when he travelled to Cornwall earlier this year.


Not only have we supported him to gain employment, but we have given him the ability to enjoy his long-forgotten hobby of DJing.


What’s a typical day like for you?

On a day-to-day basis I will contact those I have already supported into work and ask if they need any help to maintain their employment. I’ll also contact new referrals, introducing myself and booking our initial meeting, starting our journey together. With new and existing customers, we create a SMART action plan together with achievable and, perhaps stretching, goals to help progress them towards their ultimate goal.


The work I do with my existing caseload varies depending on their individual needs. This could be as simple as updating a CV, but others will need more intensive support including finding relevant training, support with job searching, applying for roles and an employability session of mock interviews in preparation for future opportunities. But saying this, each person on my caseload is an individual and treated as one; their goal becomes our goal.


What do you like most about your role?  

The people. Not only am I part of a fantastic team who supports one another, but I also get to meet such a variety of customers who let me support them in their plans and successes going forward.


Why should customers get in touch with you/the team?  

What we do is always about the individual, they are at the centre of what we do. The plan we create together is theirs, so they are in control. We aren’t a ‘tick box’ service. And what we offer isn’t time limited, so we do our best to support people into sustained employment, not a quick hit to any job.


Get in touch with our Employment Services by emailing, calling 0300 123 1 567, or visiting the employment support page on My Abri here

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